Welcome the Substance Institute Students,
Substance Institute - Counseling.
During your course in Counseling, you will be trained on how to listen to your clients, obtain practical counseling skills; perception between client and therapist; gain insight into the assessment of clients and the assessment process; be supportive to clients and their problems; know how to be aware of the basic elements of counseling, dealing with difficult problems that may arise while counseling your clients.
You will learn about the mandate, morals, mission, mechanism, medical condition, behavioral medication, time management.
There is so much more you will learn through this course but there will be so much more to learn from being a Counselor.
Here is a belief synopsis about each of the following Counseling, you will be learning:
4/11/2022 - Week 1 - Basic Counseling Pros vs Cons
4/18/2022 - Week 2 - Becoming a Counsellor
4/26/2022 - Week 3 - Therapy of Counseling - Humanistic Therapy
5/02 - 6/12/2022 - No Classes
5/10/2022 - Week 4 - Counseling Skills
6/13/2022 - Week 5 - Counseling - Psychoanalytic Therapy & Emotions
6/28/2022 - Week 6 - Stress, Depression & Anxiety
7/04 & 11/2022 - No Classes
7/18/2022 - Week 7 - Cognitive Behavior Therapy - Paper Due
7/25 & 08/01/2022 - No Class
8/08/2022 - Week 8 - Behavior Therapy - Quiz - 8 Questions (1 Question from each week 1 - 8)
8/15/2022 - Week 9 - Substance Abuse - Alcohol & Drug - Norman Beecher
8/22/2022 - Week 10 - Counseling Young People Therapies
8/29/2022 - Week 11 - Types of Client
9/09/2022 - Week 12 - Counseling at Work
9/12/2022 - Week 13 - The Counseling Process
9/19/2022 - Week 14 - Finances, Legal issues & Counsellor Practices - Final Exam
9/29/2022 - Week 15 - Mental Health - Norman Beecher - Final Paper Due (see below for details in green)
10/3/2022 - Week 16 - Counseling Overview - Exam is due- NO EXCUSES - 27 - 50 Questions (Question from weeks 8 - 14) - We will meet just to go over any last minute things.
The Course in Counseling course is existing therapist or if you want to brush up on your skills and how to set-up a private practice as a Counsellor.
- 3-6 Questions (True/False; Fill in Blanks; Multiple Choice)
- 200 Words Essay about the what you learned in the class
- Due before each class
- Due before week 16 class
- Associate with 10 Questions Exam received week 14
- Bachelor with 25 Questions Exam received week 14
- Master with 50 Questions Exam received week 14
Counseling - Introduction
Counseling - Syllabus
Counseling - Class Timeline - 60 minutes
> 5 minutes - Welcome / Questions / Review last class
> 45 minutes- Teaching / Review > 10 minutes - Questions / Review homework |
Course Paper Assignment
Articles Reports approved list:
Written Report Requirements![]()
06/20/2022 - Week 6 - Sixth Class - Written Counseling Article Review Report (300-500 words) is due |
Final Paper - Monday, September 26, 2022 (9/26/2022) - Week 14
Final Paper Details:
Research about ALL these Psychology Terms for your own benefits, then pick only one (1) and write your final paper.
Master with 50 Questions Exam with 1,500 words paper.
Required Formatting:
Research about ALL these Psychology Terms for your own benefits, then pick only one (1) and write your final paper.
Master with 50 Questions Exam with 1,500 words paper.
Required Formatting:
- 1,500 words
- Double-spaced
- 12 Font Size
- Times New Roman
- 15-20 References
Monday, 10/04/2022 - Week 16 - Final Class
Counseling Overview
Review / Comments / What is your plans?
Register for Zoom Class -
Monday, 10/03/2022 - Week 16===> Monday, 10/03/2022 - Video =========>
Monday, 09/29/2022
Week 15 - Mental Health - Group & Therapy
Your Certificate of Completion===========>
Wednesday, 09/29/2022 - Video =========>
Monday, 09/21/2022
Week 14 - Finances, Legal Issues, & Counsellor Practices
Register for Zoom Class -
Wednesday, 09/21/2022 - Week 14===> Class Booklet - Wednesday, 09/21/2022 - Week 14===>
Wednesday, 09/21/2022 - HOMEWORK ONLY =========>
Wednesday, 09/21/2022 - Evaluation =========>
Wednesday, 09/21/2022 - Video =========>
Final Exam due 10/3/2022![]()
10/3/2022 - Week 16 - Final Exam is due -
NO EXCUSES - 27 - 50 Questions (Question from weeks 8 - 14) |
Monday, 09/12/2022
Week 13 - The Counseling Process
Register for Zoom Class -
Monday, 09/12/2022 - Week 13===> Class Booklet - Monday, 09/12/2022 - Week 13===>
Monday, 09/12/2022 - HOMEWORK ONLY =========>
Monday, 09/12/2022 - Evaluation =========>
Monday, 09/12/2022 - Video =========>
You may need for your Real-Life Counseling SCENARIO![]()
Monday, 09/09/2022
Week 12 - Understanding Workplace Counseling (Counseling at Work)
Register for Zoom Class - Friday, 09/09/2022 - Week 12===>
Click Here to Register |
Class Booklet - Friday, 09/09/2022 - Week 12===>
Friday, 09/09/2022 - HOMEWORK ONLY =========>
Friday, 09/09/2022 - Evaluation =========>
Monday, 8/29/2022
Week 11 - Types of Clients
Register for Zoom Class -
Monday, 08/29/2022 - Week 11===> |
Click Here to Register |
Class Booklet - Monday, 08/29/2022 - Week 11===>
Monday, 08/29/2022 - HOMEWORK ONLY =========>
Monday, 08/29/2022 - Evaluation =========>
Monday, 8/22/2022 - Week 10
Counseling Young People Therapies
Register for Zoom Class -
Monday, 08/22/2022 - Week 9===> |
Class Booklet - Monday, 08/22/2022 - Week 9===>
Monday, 08/22/2022 - HOMEWORK ONLY =========>
Monday, 08/22/2022 - Evaluation =========>
Monday, 8/15/2022
Week 9 - Substance Abuse - Alcohol & Drug
Register for Zoom Class - Wednesday, 08/17/2022 - Week 9===>
Class Booklet - Wednesday, 08/17/2022 - Week 9===>
Wednesday, 08/17/2022 - HOMEWORK ONLY=====>
Wednesday, 08/17/2022 - Evaluation ===>
Wednesday, 08/17/2022 - Video =========>
Monday, 8/08/2022
Week 8 - Behavior Therapy
Register for Zoom Class - Monday, 8/08/2022 - Week 8 ==>
Class Booklet - Monday, 8/08/2022 - Week 8===>
Monday,08/08/2022 - Week 8 - HOMEWORK ONLY=====>
Monday, 8/08/2022 - Week 8 - Evaluation ===>
Monday, 8/08/2022 - Week 8 - Video =========>
Monday, 7/18/2022
Week 7 - Cognitive Behavior Therapy
Register for Zoom Class - Monday, 7/18/2022 - Week 7 ==>
Class Booklet - Monday, 7/18/2022 - Week 7===>
Monday, 7/18/2022 - Week 7 - HOMEWORK ONLY=====>
Monday, 7/18/2022 - Week 7 - Evaluation ===>
Tuesday, 6/28/2022
Week 6 - Stress, Depression & Anxiety
Register for Zoom Class - Monday, 06/28/2022 - Week 6 ==>
Class Booklet - Monday, 06/28/2022 - Week 6===>
Monday, 6/28/2022 - Week 6 - HOMEWORK ONLY=====>
Monday, 06/28/2022 - Week 6 - Evaluation ===>
Monday, 6/28/2022 - Week 6 - Video =========>
Week 5 - Counseling - Psychoanalytic Therapy & Emotions
Register for Zoom Class - Monday, 06/13/2022 - Week 5=>
Class Booklet - Monday, 06/13/2022 - Week 5===>
Monday, 6/13/2022 - Week 5 - HOMEWORK ONLY=====>
Monday, 06/13/2022 - Week 5 - Evaluation ===>
Monday, 6/13/2022 - Week 5 - Video =========>
Emotion Sessions![]()
Week 4 - Counseling Skills
Register for Zoom Class - Tuesday, 05/10/2022 - Week 4=>
Class Booklet - Tuesday, 05/10/2022 - Week 4===>
Tuesday, 5/10/2022 - Week 4 - HOMEWORK ONLY=====>
Tuesday, 05/10/2022 - Week 4 - Evaluation ===>
Tuesday, 05/10/2022 - Week 4 - Video =========>
4/25/2022 -
Week 3 - Therapy of Counseling - Humanistic Therapy
Register for Zoom Class - Monday, 4/25/2022 - Week 3===>
Monday, 4/25/2022 - Week 3 - Class Booklet ===>
Monday, 4/25/2022 - Week 3 - HOMEWORK ONLY=====>
Monday, 4/25/2022 - Week 3 - Evaluation ===>
Monday, 4/25/2022 - Week 3 - Video will be uploaded ===>
4/19/2022 - Week 2 - Becoming a Counselor
Register for Zoom Class - Tuesday, 4/19/2022 - Week 2==>
Tuesday, 4/19/2022 - Week 2 - Class Booklet========>
Tuesday, 4/19/2022 - Week 2 - HOMEWORK ONLY=====>
Tuesday, 4/19/2022 - Week 2 - Evaluation Form===>
Week 1 - Basic Counseling Pros vs Cons
Register for Zoom Class - Monday, 4/11/2022 - Week 1===>
Monday, 4/11/2022 - Week 1 - Class Booklet===========>
Monday, 4/11/2022 - Week 1 - Evaluation Form========>
Monday, 4/11/2022 - Week 1 Video will be uploaded within 1 - 24 hours after the class has ended========>
Resource Section from PositivePsychology.com