About This course "Intercessors Spiritual Defenders" (…IS Defenders).
Intercessor’s Spiritual Development has Eight (8) critical aspects of the church called “D.E.F.E.N.D.E.R.”:
1.Defend / Protection and the Lifesaver of the Church 2.Endorsement of the Lifeguard of the Church 3.Fundamental Lifeline of the Church 4.Essence Life care of the Church 5.Necessity Lifestyle of the Church 6.Demand for Lifework of the Church 7.Extraordinary for Lifeway of the Church 8.Resilience as the Life changer of the Church.
There are many dimensions in the intercessor’s spiritual development ministry which will be taught in this course. In addition, this course is designed as an essential plan that will change, challenge, convert and convict the local church to establishing an intercessory ministry. Also, they develop spiritual intercessors to pray with spiritual authority, power, wisdom and knowledge.
And I sought for a man among them, that should make up the hedge, and stand in the gap before me for the land, that I should not destroy it: but I found none. Ezekiel 22:30 KJV
Prayer combined with fasting releases the power of God’s work in the lives of individuals, churches, cities, communities, and nations. Therefore, it is important, critical, and necessary that churches of today become the house of prayer Jesus spoke about when He was here on earth.
The necessity of establishing an intercessory ministry. Furthermore, it will serve as a resource for the development of an intercessory prayer ministry.
The word defend means protect, support, shield, represent, stand up for, stick up for and stand for. Therefore, Intercessor’s Spiritual development is the defender needed in the church and the Body of Christ today.
They are the ones that protect, support, shield, represent, stand up for, stick up for and stand for.
They stand in the gap.
Their position is in heavenly places like Christ Jesus.
They intercede far above principalities and powers.
As Intercessors, you are the defender. You are the game and atmosphere changers, shifter of the spirit, definer of the ambiance and your prayers are protector of the environment.
IS Defenders is established to help all intercessor to develop a spiritual for all intercessory prayer ministry.
These classes will be held on the first Saturday of each month starting in 2021.